Youth, Liturgy & Music

Youth Commission

What does Christianity mean to me? Who is Jesus Christ to me? Do I actually believe in him and his teachings? I’m sure that all of us have a lot of doubts about religion and God, heaven and hell, good and evil, destiny and fate. To any question we have, we can instantly find an answer. All we need is go to and type out ‘How do I’ But I’m sure a lot of youth can relate to me when I say something is missing in our lives. ‘If only I had…’ is a thought that almost everyone has.

In fact we feel stressed out about the fact that our tomorrow is not secure. Somewhere the ‘Power of Now’ is lost in the bargain. We fail to live today to the fullest because of our yesterdays and tomorrows. But read this: “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.” -Mat 11:28.

For our uncertain future, for all the things that frighten us he says, “But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Mat 6:33.

In modern terms, Jesus ‘compressed’ all the heavy laws into 2 light-weight laws: “Love of God and love of neighbour” Jesus was someone who­ felt for the people. He loved them with his heart and soul. He could understand the pain and fear that they lived in. Therefore just live each day to the best of your ability, run like you want to win the first prize. Leave the rest to God. He will take care of you and give you everything that you need.

There is comfort in the fact that our God is a living God and is taking care of each of us. When we invest time to read The Bible and various other good and inspiring books, we will understand our true identity. We will be able to live in wisdom and understanding. We will begin to believe in the goodness of this world and the goodness of God.

I feel the best evangelisation of the 21st century is the evangelisation of action and example. As we have begun the Year of Faith (Oct 2012 to 10 Oct 2013), We must have humility to serve our fellowmen, strength to lift up the downtrodden and faith to live a life of integrity in the midst of temptation.

I would now like to invite youth to come join our Youth Group which is called ‘One in Christ’. As youth we are the cradle of our faith and this gives us the added responsibility of coming together to shape a better tomorrow. We must together for the growth of our parish and our archdiocese. We can do a lot and I believe we have the potential to spread a new wave of freshness in our parish and our families.

Liturgy Commission

Liturgy Commission aims to encourage the full, conscious and active participation of all people in liturgical rites that are noble in their simplicity yet powerful in their expression of the sacred mysteries.

Its efforts are directed to helping and educating the prisoners of the parish thus helping the lay faithful to experience God’s love in a true and meaningful way.

Music Ministry