Sacred Heart of Jesus


Sacred Heart of Jesus, You made clear to St.Margaret Mary Your desire to being King in Christian families. We today wish to proclaim Your most complete kingly dominion over our own family. We want to live in the future with Your life. We want to cause to flourish in our midst those virtues to which You have promised peace here below. We want to banish far from us the spirit of the world which You have cursed. You shall be king over minds in the simplicity of our faith, and over our hearts by the whole hearted love with which they shall burn for You, the flame of which we shall keep alive by the frequent reception of Your divine Eucharist.

Be so kind, O Divine Heart, as to preside over our gatherings, bless our enterprises, both spiritual and temporal, dispel our cares, sanctify our joys, and alleviate our sufferings. If ever one or other of us should have the misfortune to afflict You, remind him, O heart of Jesus, that You are good and merciful to the penitent sinner. And when the hour of separation strikes, when death shall come to cast mourning into our mist, we shall all, both those who go and those who stay, be submissive to Your eternal decrees. We shall console ourselves with the thought that a day will come when the entire family, reunited in heaven, can sing for ever Your glories and Your mercies.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the glorious patriarch St.Joseph present this consecration to You, and keep it in our minds all the days of our life. (Sign of the cross) All glory be to the Father, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.