Our Parish

Dear Brothers and Sisters

I am immensely happy to bring this website in the name of our parish Our Lady of Lourdes Church, situated at Whitefield, Bangalore India. I am sure this website would help devotees of Mother Mary explore things that are more significant for their spiritual journey

Social Communication is the hallmark of this generation. Anyone who is unaware of modern applications of communication such individual is in the world of dark. If our Lord were to come down in our midst today perhaps he would use first the technical means of communication leaving aside the contemporary means of communication.

The latest applications of communications such as Whatsup, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and many more are fondly loved even by little children. If so grownups should by all means discover the methods of communications for better evangelization. Let us thank Heaven for such great mind gifted to mankind.

Using Website online is a need of the hour while reading the signs of the time for meaningful and powerful evangelization. Jesus Christ demands us to utilize all sorts of communication methods in accomplishing Mt.28:19.

Views, I invite you to curiously use this website to uncover the hidden treasures of the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Whitefield, Bangalore, India.

Whitefield’s Our Lady of Lourdes Church parish is rich in the Spirit of the Lord. Faith is the Lord is growing among people of God belonging to this flock. Let us innovatively bring Christ to those who are ignorant of Him the God of New Israel. Try to find peace and comfort in Him by using this site meticulously.

God Bless you

Parish Priest