Legion of Mary(Kannada)

Legion of Mary(Kannada)

Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Whitefield, Bengaluru

Legion of Mary (Kannada Presidium)

Kannada Legion of Mary in the Parish was initiated by Rev. Fr. D. S. Arokiaswamy in the year 2005. The first meeting of Legionaries was held on 11.12.2005. There were 8-10 members including the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Praesidium meeting is held in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Whitefield. T.C. Palya Curia Meeting and Comitium meeting is held at Shivajinagar.

We the Praesidium members will conduct meeting every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in the Church Premises. And on 4 th Sunday of the month some of our Office members will attend Comitium meeting at Shivajinagar Church.

During our Praesidium meeting, we recite the Holy Rosary, Read the Legionary Book, Scripture Reading and Concluding Prayer. Every member of Praesidium will pray for the people who are in need of the prayers. As Legionaries, we visit the sick, suffering, and hospitalized. We also visit the houses and attend the Burials.

We reach out to the needy and help the poor. Now the Kannada Praesidium has 10 – 12 members.